Condition Engine

The Pull Checklist condition engine allows you to create sophisticated rules for when checklists and individual checks should appear. This powerful feature helps you create dynamic checklists that respond to your pull request's characteristics.

Repository Level Rules

These rules are applied at the repository level and can be used to create conditions based on files, branches, and PR characteristics.

file_present?("absolute_file_path")Checks if a specific file exists in the repositoryfile_present?("package.json")
file_content_present?("absolute_file_path", "content")Checks if specific content exists in a filefile_content_present?("", "Installation")
file_content_present?("absolute_file_path", "[regex]")Checks if content matching a regex pattern exists in a filefile_content_present?("config.js", "[a-z])\w+")
directory_present?("absolute_file_path")Checks if a specific directory existsdirectory_present?("src/components")
pattern_present?("[regex]")Checks if any file content matches the regex patternpattern_present?("[a-z])\w+")
file_pattern_present?("[regex]")Checks if any file name matches the regex patternfile_pattern_present?("^.*\.(svelte)$")
base_branch?("[regex]")Checks if the base branch matches the patternbase_branch?("^.*\.(main)$")
feature_branch?("pattern")Checks if the feature branch matches the patternfeature_branch?("please-merge-very-fast-*")
title_contains?("text")Checks if the PR title contains specific texttitle_contains?("reverts")
description_contains?("text")Checks if the PR description contains specific textdescription_contains?("new feature")
description_is_empty?Checks if the PR description is emptydescription_is_empty?
pr_is_draft?(boolean)Checks if the PR is in draft statuspr_is_draft?(true)
pr_additions_greater_than?(number)Checks if the PR has more additions than specifiedpr_additions_greater_than?(300)
pr_deletions_greater_than?(number)Checks if the PR has more deletions than specifiedpr_deletions_greater_than?(200)
label_match?("label")Checks if the PR has a specific labellabel_match?("an-important-label")
applied_to_users?(["username1", "username2"])Checks if the PR owner is in the specified list of usersapplied_to_users?(["username1", "username2"])
has_requested_reviewer?("username")Checks if a specific GitHub user is requested as a reviewerhas_requested_reviewer?("senior-dev")
has_requested_team?("team-slug")Checks if a specific GitHub team is requested as a reviewerhas_requested_team?("frontend-team")

Global Rules

These rules are applied globally across all repositories and can be used to create organization-wide conditions.

repo_rule_status_label_match?(boolean)Matches the checklist title with repository rulesrepo_rule_status_label_match?(true)
label_match?("label")Checks if the PR has a specific label (global context)label_match?("an-important-label")
title_contains?("text")Checks if the PR title contains specific text (global context)title_contains?("reverts")
description_contains?("text")Checks if the PR description contains specific text (global context)description_contains?("new feature")
description_is_empty?Checks if the PR description is empty (global context)description_is_empty?
pr_is_draft?(boolean)Checks if the PR is in draft status (global context)pr_is_draft?(true)
pr_additions_greater_than?(number)Checks if the PR has more additions than specified (global context)pr_additions_greater_than?(300)
pr_deletions_greater_than?(number)Checks if the PR has more deletions than specified (global context)pr_deletions_greater_than?(200)
file_pattern_present?("[regex]")Checks if any file name matches the regex pattern (global context)file_pattern_present?("^.*\.(svelte)$")
base_branch?("[regex]")Checks if the base branch matches the pattern (global context)base_branch?("^.*\.(main)$")
feature_branch?("pattern")Checks if the feature branch matches the pattern (global context)feature_branch?("please-merge-very-fast-*")
checklist_applies_to_repository?(["repo1", "repo2"])Checks if the current repository matches any in the provided listchecklist_applies_to_repository?(["web-app", "mobile-client"])
has_requested_reviewer?("username")Checks if a specific GitHub user is requested as a reviewer (global context)has_requested_reviewer?("senior-dev")
has_requested_team?("team-slug")Checks if a specific GitHub team is requested as a reviewer (global context)has_requested_team?("frontend-team")

Using Conditions

You can combine multiple conditions using logical operators (||, &&, !, ()). Here are some examples:

// Show checklist only for large PRs with specific label
pr_additions_greater_than?(300) && label_match?("needs-review")

// Show checklist for draft PRs or PRs with specific content
pr_is_draft?(true) || file_content_present?("", "Installation")

// Show checklist for feature branches targeting main
base_branch?("^.*\\.(main)$") && feature_branch?("please-merge-very-fast-*")

// Apply checklist only to specific repositories and large PRs
checklist_applies_to_repository?(["web-app", "mobile-client"]) && pr_additions_greater_than?(300)

// Show checklist only when both specific reviewer and team are requested
has_requested_reviewer?("senior-dev") && has_requested_team?("frontend-team")

// Show checklist for specific users' PRs
applied_to_users?(["username1", "username2"]) && !description_is_empty?

Custom Rules

Need a specific rule for your use case? We're happy to help! Reach out to us via the chat widget, and we'll work with you to implement custom rules that match your workflow requirements.

Best Practices

When using the condition engine:

  • Start with simple conditions and add complexity as needed
  • Test your conditions thoroughly before enforcing them
  • Use meaningful labels and consistent patterns
  • Document your conditions for team reference
  • Consider the impact on your workflow

Next Steps

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